Hi, seperti yg dijanjikan update blog rosel, ya today baru ada masa untuk update, walopun baru ja habis episode my drama addict hahahha.... Okay enough opening speech.. LOL
Anyway, hi all to my new reader thank you for spare your time to read my refresh Blog. Today, I just want to share my newest addicted thing.. kira mcm demam juga la.. ba mcmna jg kalo, asal ja ada free time mesti on apss drama or check webtoon update episode…hehe kalo u guys mcm sy kita geng..haha umur2 30’s still betebiat mcm budak remaja… eh salahkah? Jika belum status berkahwin dan belum jadi ibu pokoknya belum ada tanggungjawab yg fulltime at home.. ok I don’t want to talk about the status today enough..
1st thing that I addicted with the KDRAMA, everyday kalo mata belum sleepy confirm continue new episode drama layan…bukan apa sy suka betul the story of the drama korea chinese or also japan..sgt2 cute couple..n disamping itu, sis juga dapat memahami sikit demi sedikit their language…but not overall paham sgt, sepatah2 ja..
Tapi FYI kan tanpa disedari….penggunaan internet quota sy sgt2 meningkat. Kalo habis ja quota confirm adds-on, memandangkan postpaid simcard it seem easy to adds-on, buli2 sampai RM270 maximum bill. Kalo maximum 500rggt mungkin juga akan sampai…mcmana tak kalo all The apps of Drama sy download and become their VIP member…OMG. This is my Bad Addiction ever..
But lately i already try to kurangkan my bad addicted. Sy suda terminate beberapa apps uninstalled maybe 4 apps n unsubscribed mereka 1 by 1...sedihnya.. Uhuk2... Now only 2 apps left MyTV(still VIP) member n Youtube(just user) Rosel89 dont forget to Subscribe update vlog soon
I watch drama or movie this two of apps... Yg lain i dah delete from my phone... Never install it again i wish... Hehe..
Mana taknya.. Kadang2 during Office hour still curi2 tgok drama... Sy rasa ini suda terlebih, oh my Bad addicted... Well thats all about my 1st addicted story
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